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Q&A: Where would Muslims be without Judao Christian Culture?


My Question: Where would Muslims be without Judao Christian Culture?
Here’s a partial list of inventions (from Encyclopedia Britannica) which Muslims love, compliments of Judao-Christian Culture:
Airbags, automobile, airplane, blimps, animation, motion-picture, telephone, telephone answering machine, aspirin, assembly line, Astroturf, audiotape, ATM, Bakelite, periodic table, ball bearing, telephone, bandage, bar code, barbed wire, barometer, battery, bicycle, bifocal lens, blow-dryer, atomic bomb, Braille, bra, electronic calculator, camcorder, cans, carbon 14 dating, cardboard, cash register, mail-order catalog, Cellophane, celluloid, chronometer, cloning, DVD, CD, decaffeinated coffee, DVD, CD, CAT scan, personal computer, laptop, reinforced concrete, condom, contact lenses, oral contraceptives, cotton gin, coupons, crayons, dairy processing, credit cards, defibrillator, DDT, dentures, metal detector, smoke alarm, artificial diamonds, disposable diapers, dishwasher, revolving door, dry cleaning, dynamite, elastic fabric, EEG, email, electrocardiogram, , elevator, internal combustion engine, jet engine, rockets, steam engine, escalator, eyeglasses, fax, fiber optics, fiberglass, photos, flashlight, Thermos bottle, food processor, freeze dried foods, Fresnel lens, fuel cell, genetic engineering, Geiger counter, safety glass, electric guitar, wire hanger, helicopter, holography, syringe, IVF, insulin, integrated circuit, internet, iron, food irradiation, Kevlar, Laser, lawn mower, light bulb, LED, linoleum, LCD, locomotive, lock and key, loudspeaker, MRI, margarine, matches, metric system, microphone, electron microscope, microwave oven, glass mirror, guided missile, outboard motor, mobile home, Morse code, electric motor, motorcycle, neon lighting, nuclear reactor, nylon, pacemaker, paper clip, particle accelerator, pasteurization, ballpoint pen, pencil, photocopy, pocket watch, polyethylene, Polygraph, PVC, printing press, radar, radio, rayon, electric razor, crop reaper, refrigerator, remote control, revolver, Richter scale, rifle, vulcanized rubber, saccharin, satellite, scotch tape, scuba gear, silicone, skyscrapers, stapler, stainless steel, stereo sound, stethoscope, stock ticker, electric stove, gas stove, submarine, sunglasses, sunscreen, supermarket, music synthesizer, synthetic skin, tampons, tanks, tea bags, Teflon, telegraph, wireless telephone, cell phone, TV, thermometer, thermostat, threshing machine, pneumatic tire, toaster, tractors, transistor, vaccination, vacuum cleaner, typewriter, ultrasound imaging, Velcro, VCR, washing machine, X-ray.
-The United Nation’s Human Development Index ranks nations by life expectancy, literacy, education and GDP per capita. The top 50 encompass 700 million in Judao-Christian nations; Muslim nations encompass 5 million people (out of 1.5 billion people).
-The UN’s Gender Empowerment Measure ranks nations by women’s equality: Muslim nations rank at the bottom.
-Nobel SCIENCE prizes awarded to America in last 50 years? 171. ALL Muslim nations? 3.
-Number of universities in US and UK? 3,600. ALL Muslim nations? 600 (for 1.5 billion people).
-The UN’s Arab Development Report on books translated per million people: Hungary 519; Spain 920; Israel 380; Arabia 4.
-Tunis based Arab League: 76% of Arabs, ages 15 to 45, are illiterate.
-Patents are evidence of a nations creative activities: new drugs, electronics, satellites, the internet, food processing, cars — everything we need to live better lives: Total patents held, worldwide, 3.8 million; US holds 2.1 million; ALL Muslim nations hold only 1,000.

Muslims, two billion of us have access to the Internet. For the first time in Islam’s history we can SEE the degradation your religion inflicts on mankind. You can no longer hide behind your phony “Islam is a religion of peace!” mantra.

And where would ANY of that be without Science? Hmmmmmm?

no where, they are strongly connected.

Apart from the fact that many Muslim scientists have contributed greatly to early science (while Christians were stuck in their Dark Ages), here’s a list of 1001 inventions from Muslims. At least TRY to be honest and go through it, which is probably expecting too much from you.

The advancement of a civilization is not just about science, although the muslims were pioneers in mathematics, medicine, botany, geography, astronomy etc. The first universities in the world were in the Islamic world.

The advancement, is the morals that you follow. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will not be impressed only with the velcro you may have invented, but by how you cared for you brother and your duties towards the rest of humanity.

You have certainly done yor home work, excellent itinerary of avhienements.

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